The Tinkerer is unique and interesting there's just so much you can do with it! We hope you enjoyed reading the article. Sounds ok, but its also a loss card. D tier is the last category on this Gloomhaventier list. They do an average amount of damage. You can even deliver some decent damage to get rid of monsters! Not only do they need to be unlocked through playing the game, but they also require that you know other class strengths and how to boost them while you are playing. Doomstalker - Angry face with spiky hair That trend continues all the way to level 9. Craghearts greatestabilityis increating and throwing obstacles to alter the playing field and dealing largeranged damage to multiple enemies at once. There are 7 cards with an initiative in the 20s. Gloomhaven Custom Scenario - Sailor's Grief. The Spellweaver attacks early and can utilize all elements available, so ensuring these are set up earlyis the key to using her well. The Quartermaster is a melee tank and an excellent support class, whether youre playing with one person or four. 17 of the Berserkers 29 cards contain a move ability. Youd get hit and then be healing yourself on the next turn. I wish that she could summon more creatures without stretching herself too thin. He can solo most 2p scenarios, which sort of says all that needs to be said, and doesn't care at all about difficulty level (he scales better than any other character in the game relatively to monster level). However, other classes in the game outperform the Brute in terms of damage dealing and absorption. It is quite tanky and better than the Brute at tanking. Its a good thing you level quickly. Cragheart is a brilliantly versatile character to play, and is great to start with whether youre a one-person party or four. Thats a great way to dash across a room! As long as she has a song in play, at the beginning of her turn she gains 1 experience point. Whatever you do, please dont forget to try new classes whenever you find yourself starting with a new group! The issue is there arent many cards you can use to boost, control and heal your summons. VoidWarden is another C-category class. Being invisible also gives bonuses to damage values and adds negative status effects. If you'd like to check scenario . The good news is that 1 experience is available on abilities that dont require special circumstances like a certain element being in the room for you to get the experience. participates in the Amazon Associates Program. Not including the song movement affects, or abilities which only affect allies movement, the Soothsinger has 11 movement abilities. Two heal abilities are the songs Soothing Lullaby (level 2) and the more powerful version Tranquil Trill (level 8). The Plagueherald has 30 cards card to choose from in total. Healing wise, the Elementalist is pretty good. The first class on the B tier is Red Guard. Who are the winners? You may take your new class right away, or it may take you a few games to get the hang of it. Theyll charge in and do stuff on their own terms. As an Amazon Associate, I earn a commission from qualifying purchases. Also, hes pretty limited when it comes to movement. Seriously, go check it out! Depending on your build though, you may choose to leave Foul Wind behind like I did. But the Nightshroud really shines in the dark. One of the things thats very interesting about the Soothsinger is that for a support class, she doesnt have many heal abilities. Furthermore, it has a summon build potential, but it doesnt work out well, so you will mostly use your doom, shoot from a long distance, and do some good damage. These are two of the most powerful cards. She uses her health to boost her damage. Youll constantly be putting elements into the room and then using them up as quickly as they arrived. In larger parties, her support abilities that scale per-character get better and she can focus on being a dedicated tank, which is her most effective and powerful role. As you get more players, these classes often stay the same or increase in quality, with the Sunkeeper becoming a straight A-tier class when playing with four players. 1 - Bad classes. You have three Shield Self 1 abilities in your deck. That one is much more useful, but then your dark element cant be used for dealing damage. This one is certainly not for beginners unless you have a little experience in the mind-controlling/magic classes of other similar games. It is on the B tier because even though it is quite powerful, you have to be careful with this character, as it can hurt its allies, bringing it down to this tier. However, if your party size is small, you wont find it effective. So get out of there quickly. The go-to source for comic and superhero movie fans. You can even crush a group of fire demons with Plagueherald. Rob Medynski. Balance has not been kind to these few and they won't make things easier for your party. Now that I've gotten all of that out of the way, on to the classes. One of them is the main card it relies on, The Favorite. Create your beautiful website with Zeen now. Some tricks are involved, which players learn when they get hands-on experience. They have so much to concentrate on and so many options that you'll never get bored during combat. Honestly, the Nightshroud is in a category all his own in terms of the extent to which he warps scenario difficulty and party effectiveness. Before we proceed, please keep in mind that the ranking of classes in the discussion below has been done after thorough research. Only four of them are 21 to 29. Its a loss card but you can definitely use this once per game to get another turn or two in. She struggles against a number of enemy types and specific scenario types/rules, as well as some possible ability deck flips. Poison cards have effects you can see on the cards like monsters with poison taking additional damage. The only downside is that you need a really good understanding of elements and magic if you want to use this class effectively. Hatchet is in the B tier for a few reasons. With a starting health of 6 and a maximum health of only 14, you dont want to be taking any hits as this class. But at the same time, in 2p there are less elites and more space in scenarios, which means if you do have a good melee ally, you're actually really good with Visage (your best pre-9 card), which could even shoot her up to a 3-4. These abilities make for a much stronger bear. Ive written a full class guide for the Elementalist, Nightshroud Guide focussing on Invisibility and single hit monster removal, build guide for playing a Plagueherald Poison Curse Hybrid, Quartermaster guide for a damage and tank hybrid, damage + support Sunkeeper, check out my build guide, Gloomhaven Starting Characters Overview and Rank, thisincredible 3D 183 piece custom Gloomhaven scenery set, 15 Awesome Gloomhaven Accessories and Upgrades, Gloomhaven Classes Starting Characters Overview and Rank, Scoundrel Guide Single Target Poison Build, The Beast Tyrant doesnt need to be in line of sight of the bear to command it, The bear moves according to the monster AI before you take your turn. The Beast Tyrant can deal a lot of damage per turn because he effectively gets more actions when he has more summons. After these perks, Id grab the wound and stun perks because you dont have many negative effects on your abilities as standard. The Brute is the most average of Gloomhaven classes, not particularly good at anything but also not really bad at anything either. The Sunkeeper is an almost Paladin-like build, having high melee damage alongside excellent healing capabilities. It doesnt do anything well and is super situational. When you buy through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. He can even wound, disarm, stun, poison and muddle them! The sunkeeper is a very good character, and it is an absolute tank. The good news is that youre generally near the front so you wont behind your group. Nightshroud hides in the shadows, come out, and kills things, but it is very powerful. Along with the usual level X and 1-9 cards, the Sawbones has 11 medical pack cards 7 regular Medical Packs and 4 Large Medical Packs. Ignore negative scenario effects is one of my favourite perks in all of Gloomhaven and Ill always grab it when its on a perk sheet. Shes also ridiculously fast, often being the first to rush into battle and deal brutal melee damage. Because summons move using the same AI as the monsters they dont always end up where you want them to! Monsters will recoil as you turn your pain into strength and hit them harder than ever expected. Lets Discuss this. In the discussion above, we tried our best to give you a detailed overview of all the 22 classes in Gloomhaven. Youll spend your time thinking about others, not yourself. All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. The Scoundrels damage output is outrageous, killing normal enemies in one hit and being able to attack with poison. You can play the Sunkeeper as a support class rather than a tank. Its a risky strategy, but fits the character really well. The other ability on the 2 hex loot card allows you to refresh all your consumed items. The Soothsinger will also collect experience points from regular abilities too, just like other classes. Add two to your attack modifier deck. It can also continually curse the monster deck, rendering its enemies close to useless. The Gloomhaven class tier list below is rated on a S > A > B > C > D rating system that is summarised below. In general, the Soothsinger only has 7 loss abilities so the small hand limit will get you through most scenarios. The Quartermaster is another S-tier character. Some of the Sawbones abilities are really hard-hitting, especially at the higher levels. It has one of the highest pools for health and even comes with a little bit of healing. It is a pretty interesting and strong class but it must be in the C tier. Then anytime a monster hits you, you will retaliate. 2.2 Reward Items. The numbers aren't displayed anywhere in digital which is why I'm including their name as well. Songs are persistent abilities with effects that help your party. Phoebe is originally from England but has decided to have a break from the rain and is now freezing herself in Calgary, Canada. The Cragheart, Mindthief, Red Guard, Beast Tyrant, Berserker, and Plagueherald are all A-tier classes that are almost entirely consistent no matter how large your party is. The first one is a psychic projection which is not a very good card. Minor spoilers regarding the flow of the campaign and some items, but no class spoilers. With six starting classes to choose from in Gloomhaven, there's quite a bit of variance in terms of the beginner experience. | Boardgamegeek, My Hero Tier Lists With Explanation | Boardgamegeek, Class Tier List? (If you dont take the monster out in one go that is!). Additionally, she is the best consistent boss killer in the game, which is a significant upside as well. So the initiative is fairly slow. At level 8, Massive Boulder is still one of your top 3-4 non-loss actions, but honestly isn't that good of an action at level 8. Given that retaliate bonuses stack you can buff yourself with plenty of these. There are a few stun and muddle effects mixed in that will help to weaken monsters. Youd better hope that you have a tank in your group! Its a heal 4 self if dark is in the room when you use Armor of the Night. I think it's actually impossible to make Gloomhaven challenging with a 3p+ party at high prosperity. But if you tank, youll miss out on the crazy Berserker fun. You need to have an ally or a monster next to you if you want to do some good damage and that's extremely unlikely due to the "no talking about what you're doing" rule! I like that Gloomhaven has gone for a female tank character, its rare to see in games. There is a card at level 9 which allows you to recover up to two of your lost summons, but thats not going to help you when you are levels 1-8! The 12 card hand limit for the Doomstalker is great. This class's lack of CC and scarcity of good non-loss actions keeps it from being far too good, but no party will be unhappy to have the damage consistency this class can bring. Ive written a Beast Tyrant bear build guide if you want to check it out! Heals can also be added to other abilities by consuming Earth. Carrying an assortment of items including a boomerang (!) Your allies can do that for you. So as the Nightshroud youll do pretty low damage on one turn, high damage on the next with the occasional instant vanquish thrown in! That means you wont be going first every turn. Contents 1 Gameplay 2 Starting Classes 2.1 In Gloomhaven: 2.2 In Forgotten Circles: You might expect that! Some prefer to hack and slash while others prefer to play a tactical mage. The Foul Wind card is your friend for levelling. All other content Copyright 2019-2023 Emily at It is just complex, because of which we have placed it in this tier. You can play it with a focus on damage or support. Only a few other classes reach close to these rankings, each changing as the player count increases. With a hand limit of 9 and your summon cards being loss cards, you need to be really really careful that you dont get exhausted. Join us! I cant get enough of the minty green. With the curse build, its less obvious to see the impact of adding more curse cards to the monster modifier deck until you experience it for yourself. The bear has high health, starting with 10 at level 1 and increasing to 26 at level 9. Sunkeeper is an overall above-average class that provides good damage, utility, support, and tankiness. Ranking her for 2p is actually kind of wonky though - I put it at a 2 because she really needs a melee ally to be in top form and in 2p you're much less likely to have a melee ally. Like any character with a low hand limit, just be careful how you use your loss cards. You can increase her levelling speed by using more loss cards at the end of the scenario to get the experience gains from those cards. These characters are locked at the start of the game but you unlock one when you achieve your first characters personal quest. 1.1 Item designs. One is a 1 hex loot on the bottom of the Foul Wind card. 1 Rule Sumary. Ive considered doing more than the starters for some of my favourite locked classes but I dont think that will be anytime soon simply due to the time they take. High Tier - Cragheart, Circles, Lightning, Triangles (pre level 7) Mid Tier - Brute, Tinkerer, Scoundrel, Angry Face, Three Spears, Cthulhu, Saw Low Tier - Spellweaver, Mindthief, Sun, Music Note, Two Minis, Triangles (post level 7) Bottom Tier - Eclipse Gloomhaven: Jaws of the Lion - Red Guard and Hatchet Many people write about changes to the game (like resources, buildings, etc.) Make a great party with the inclusion of these characters. An amazing AoE card stands out at level 6 doing damage of 1 across 12 hexes with the option to upgrade to add another two hexes. Youll gain experience at a normal rate as the Beast Tyrant. Youll support your summons by flinging spells of fire and darkness at your monsters and healing to your summons when they need it. Its health is 6 at level 1, increasing to a maximum of 14 at level 9. Healing wise you have three very minor heals but they wont do much to help you if youre cornered. There are only a few S-tier classes, usually at this tier alone, in a group, or with the player count maxed out. With a hand limit of 9, you need to be in a dire situation to use it. More often than not, the Soothsingers abilities dont deal damage, instead they give monsters negative effects like curse, disarm or immobilize. Sometimes weakening monsters, sometimes boosting allies or yourself. Currently, there are just over 17 classes in Gloomhaven, with the game adding new expansions when and if needed. The Quartermaster is a fun and versatile class to play. Rifts are good, meaning you can use them to teleport, and they are quite powerful. However, the summons available are generally quite weak and are perhaps more likely to be used as meat shields. He enjoys the tactical turn based combat and unique characters that Gloomhaven offers with his favourite being the Spellweaver. So embrace it. It means that you can be a pretty good tank if you need to. As far as hitting targets is concerned, it has great single-target damage, and you can do some crazy combos and get upwards into the 40/50 damage range. Then when theyre gone, youll charge forward to seek out your next target. Having a good tier list helps you to get the most out of the game without becoming frustrated at a complete lack of progress. Trying to play this class like a support is a trap (although this class can do amazing things supporting a tank class, but that's just with a one-off ability, not the focus of your play for the scenario). Being on the front lines means youll likely move into positions where gold was dropped. Youll be using your shields and retaliate abilities to buff yourself and then diving headlong into monsters. You can add up to 10 curses to the monster deck and the Soothsinger can reach that maximum no problem. Final tier list and wanted an updated video for obvious reasons. The Berserker does huge damage, and with a couple of items, you can turn in multi-target damage and easily swing for upwards of 100 damage. However, the amount of fun you'll have manipulating both the monsters and your friends absolutely makes up for its squishy nature. On the next two sources of damage to you from attacks, gain Shield 1. There are two key things for playing the Elementalist class: Ive written a full class guide for the Elementalist which you can check out for more details on one way he can be played. Also, it wont last you through what you need to, and some of the later cards for Mind Thief are not good. In this Gloomhaven class tier list guide weve rated every character option to help you build an ideal party for the standard and harder Gloomhaven difficulties. Realistically, your experience with this class can exist anywhere from 1 to 4.5 and it will just depend on factors I can't predict so I just tried to average them a bit. It cannot hit many targets, which adds to its weakness. With copious amounts of hard CC combined with the ability to fill the monster deck with 10 Curses in 2 turns (post-4) and then make all their attacks have Disadvantage, your party members will view damage as a faint memory when she's in your party. Imagine a character thats taken several hits and is overcome with rage. One hit can get you into real trouble. With heavy armour, you can take even more hits. Also, scaling-wise, it is not so great. And its a fine balance. Starting at 8 hit points and maxing out at 20 hit points at level 9 you dont want to find yourself taking many hits. Doomstalker is another A-tier character in the game. Our user driven voting system and vast database of games enable you to find new and unique alternatives to your favourite titles. Further, understanding why we are using this specific tier list will enable you to choose a class that you are comfortable with and capable of playing. Specific party members and specific items can also wildly vary your experience with this class. For me, that means I never summon it. You can view the terms & can opt-out of email-based ad targetting here. Some people think that he's worse in 4p but that's only true pre-6; post-6, he's actually even better in 4p, where elites are more common and contribute to a greater portion of the difficulty level. Now thats a loot ability you might use. Harrowers have a poor reputation in society, mostly for their small sect of Plagueheralds who embrace a world of sickness and corruption. They are mostly ranged so he can stay safely out of the way. At the beginning of the game, you can choose from six characters: Cragheart, Mindthief, Spellweaver, Scoundrel, Brute and Tinkerer. You can hit your target and escape before your opponent makes a move. In fact, the class skews towards the weak end overall, but Cold Fire is one hell of a drug, which balances things out a reasonable amount. The Hatchet, a ranged damage dealer, is the next on the B tier. The perks you choose will depend on how you want to play the Sawbones. For more information, please see our That being said, his most powerful ability is being able to reshape the battlefield, which excels in 2p where your allies need less space and there are less monsters making obstacle placement difficult. They have so much to concentrate on and so many options that you'll never get bored during combat. You may want to avoid using S-tier classes because they are unbalanced when you dont plan everything properly. The Summoners ability cards are mostly ranged. Or you can choose to lower your health during a damage dealing ability to boost the effects of it. Alignment Chart View Community Rank Share on Twitter Share on FB S A B C D Save or Download Presentation Mode Reset Change Background Color Just be careful to keep enough hit points back to tackle retaliation. However, we dont think it is game-breaking, though, and thus, we have placed it in the C tier. The Soothsinger has the ability to bless allies and assist them with faster movement, higher damage, and greater range capabilities, making her the ultimate support class for three to four players. Youll level up pretty quickly as the Summoner. Only a few other classes reach close to these rankings, each changing as the player count increases. Having a Plagueherald in your team will improve everybody, which is why it is a solid A-tier character. For example, the level 1 card Raw Enhancement gives a + 2 if Fire is in the room and + 2 if Air is in the room. Your summons dont have an amazing amount of health so they arent great at taking more than one or two hits. Even at level 3 you have a 5 damage ability with a range of 3. Ive written a Quartermaster guide for a damage and tank hybrid. Besides, speaking of its modifier deck, it is quite narrow. Using up two elements to collect loot is very expensive! Experienced players may find the Scoundrel good, but newbies might find it frustrating. Harrowers are actually a swarmof insects who have merged into a hivemind capable of sophisticated thought. Perhaps the most interesting movement card is a Doom ability which allows you to move into the hex where a monster is defeated. It sounds like a useful character, but for beginners, you'll feel utterly useless and unbelievably frustrated. The highest move ability is 5 hexes without bonuses, with most of them being around 3 hexes. At C-tier, we have the Scoundrel, Hatchet, Demolitionist, Elementalist, and Summoner, all classes that can work exceptionally well in a group. Enjoy being able to respond to different situations and generally doing something useful on every turn. And why does challenging matter? Now that is an expensive perk! December 23, 2022, 6:10 pm. The major ability of the Summoner is to summon associates and destroy giant enemies. But that doesnt hugely matter when you can take out a monster instantly without even drawing a modifier! As a great damage dealing class, your group will be relying on you to help pick off monsters. As you select your cards through the levels you could focus more on poison or curse cards. The Sunkeeper is a high damage dealer. With 12 songs to choose from, there is a song in there for every situation. It makes sense for the Doomstalker to go early in the round to maximise the benefits of the Doom abilities in that round. You can take a hit or two. So you can go first or second if you need to. Gloomhaven is one of Sams favourite board games and he finds himself regularly playing the convenient digital version alone and with friends. If you really need to you can go quickly in a turn using one of the 4 cards with initiative 14 to 19, but that would be dependent on you keeping at least one of them in your hand. Please see the. The negative condition modifiers like stun, muddle and curse will really help to slow monsters down. Who are the losers? Youll be using the top half of it for extra damage and experience points. The Plagueherald is definitely better as a support class for a larger party of 3-4 players. While it's a good class to play if you want to get all the loot, attacking is more pain than it's worth. Before the action even starts, youll be sharing your medical packs with everyone so they can take care of themselves a little bit. All elements available, so ensuring these are set up earlyis the key using. Site, we dont think it 's actually impossible to make Gloomhaven challenging with a new group poison cards effects... Interesting and strong class but it must be in a dire situation to this. Very interesting about the Soothsinger only has 7 loss abilities so the hand. This Gloomhaventier list has 11 movement abilities multiple enemies at once Wind like. 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