Swimming Pool Regulations and Hot Tub and Spa Regulations If you have any questions about the requirements or any part of the application process, please E-Mail Building Codes or call them at (518)761-6542 before you come in. Certificate of Compliance Application for Medical Marihuana Facility Units The City of Warren, Michigan, building codes delineate the exact requirements for erecting a detached shed on property within the city limits. Paper clips, binder clips and staples do not need to be removed. ), Residential Inspection Permit fee $50 includes initial inspection and one re-inspection endobj 1. 116. It was originally designed by Olmsted Brothers Landscape Architects as a "country" park, renowned for its open vistas and "borrowed views" as seen from its Grand Entrance, Grand Lawn, Ravine, Lower Meadow, and Upper Field. % Special Application City of Cottage Grove 12800 Ravine Parkway South Cottage Grove, MN 55016 Phone: 651-458-2800 Detached or accessory buildings may be erected on a homeowner's property as long as the structure is no higher than one story -- 10 feet tall -- as measured from the ground to the eaves of the structure. The ordinance governing sheds is a simple guide meant to ensure that sheds are not only safe but also do not present an eyesore or encroach upon neighboring property. Application for Medical Marihuana Growth/Cultivation located in Industrial districts in compliance with the Michigan Medical Marihuana Act: Certificate of Compliance Application for Medical Marihuana Facilities CONTACT INFORMATION. (586) 574-4520. mayor@cityofwarren.org. Sidewalk Application The permit fee varies. There are five key steps to getting a permit. Residential Inspection Permit & Occupants Registration Rear Building Department. City of Warren Created Date: Monday-Friday 8:30 AM-5 PM Apply for Permit MEDICAL MARIHUANA FACILITY (MMFLA) Our department brochure provides an overview of Engineering, Planning and Building permits that must be issued before applicable projects may begin within the City of Warren, as well as associated fee schedules. The CBO also aids the general public in issues pertaining to the zoning of a parcel of land in Springboro and what can be done on the property. (See other side.) State Building Inspector: Jamie Christmas. Unattached frame garages and sheds 600 square feet or less shall be built on a concrete slab no less than 4 inches thick and 4 inches wide for a 24-inch rat wall. Code Department: Building & Construction. Mobile_Manufactured Home Placement Permit, Residential Plan Review and Building Permit, Land Disturbance Permit 30 OF THE ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF WARREN.