WINDWARD PASSAGE, one who uses, or navigates the windward passage, a sodomite. Buggery, a heinous Crime, so called because the Inhabitants of Sodom were notoriously guilty of it. [19][20] The use of slaves defined Roman pederasty; sexual practices were "somehow 'Greek'" when they were directed at "freeborn boys openly courted in accordance with the Hellenic tradition of pederasty". Bardxo, vid. A Man or a Woman with a Brute Beast, vel. 2023 BuzzFeed, Inc. All rights reserved. Log in. Phoebus was tortured by the flying wench, Sodomy, sodomia. SODOMITE, a. lootee; h. lounde-baz, liwatee; v. catamite. Sodomita, f. sodomite, m. Like the Latin mollis, metaphorically, and in a bad sense: effeminate, of a catamite, a male who submits his body to unnatural lewdness, 1 Corinthians 6:9 (Dionysius Halicarnassus, Antiquities 7, 2 under the end; ((Diogenes Lartius 7, 173 at the end)). [5], References in literature and popular culture, Alastair J. L. Blanshard, "Greek Love," in,, The word appears widely but not necessarily frequently in the, This page was last edited on 16 August 2022, at 22:15. 3d catamite stock pictures, royalty-free photos & images. Knabenschanderren, die, Buggery, Buggering, Pederasty; the disgraceful or ignominious Amour among Men. Dame is the female equivalent to Sir when knighting an individual. Copyright 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Because of his unusual beauty, he was carried off either by the gods or by Zeus, disguised as an eagle, or, according to a Cretan account, by Minos, to serve as cupbearer. [25]:6566 These laws aim to give the minor some protection against predatory or exploitative sexual interaction with adults. , sc. As a proper noun Sodomite is an inhabitant of Sodom, or (by extension) a descendant of one. Sodomy. Antiquities of the Jews - A.D. 1st Century. Aristotle asked "Why are people ashamed to admit that they want to have sexual intercourse, whereas this is not the case with drinking or eating or other such things? A1 If a woman, either a man's [1] wife or daughter, enters a temple and steals something from the temple sanctuary and either it is found in her possession or the charges are proven against her and she is found guilty, they are to inquire of the deity and treat her as the deity instructs them. You are also agreeing to our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy. Man who cohabits with a woman to whom he is not legally married. In my opinion, the safest Sorry (for a man) to say to a woman is just plain Sorry. sentences. Petronius here intends a play upon words. Subst. Sodomiteren, Sodomy, Buggery, a Sin against Nature. MOLLY, S. en Sodomit. SODOMITE, a. lootee; h. lounde-baz, liwatee; v. catamite. Sodomy, s. sodomia. SODOM, formerly a town of Palestine in Asia, famous in scripture for the wickedness of its inhabitants, and their destruction by fire from heaven on account of that wickedness. The Baby Dyke Lesbian. A Catamite's Love. An English and Swedish Dictionary, by Jacob Serenius, 2nd edition, Sweden, 1762: A sodomite, sodomita. A Buggerer. BACK GAMMON PLAYER, a sodomite. Sodomitical, one gilty of the horrid sin of Contributors control their own work and posted freely to our site. sodomitical. As nouns the difference between catamite and sodomite is that catamite is the junior partner in a pederastic relationship while sodomite is one who practices sodomy; a sodomist. [12] Athenian law, for instance, recognized both consent and age as factors in regulating sexual behavior. The Law-French Dictionary, Alphabetically Digested; To which is added, The Law-Latin Dictionary, Collected out of the best Auithors, by F. O., London, 1701: By Mr. Boyer. Diccionrio, Espal Ingls, Ingls y Espal, por Hto San Joseph Girl Delpino, London, 1763: A Buggerer, Pderastes. Bardjo. Martial writes: Pocula, Juno fuit pro Ganymede Jovi. The Norman-derived equivalent "count" was not introduced following the Norman Conquest of England though "countess" was and is used for the female title. Nor towards the work dost voice or motion bring, ), "Homosexual Terms in 18th-century Dictionaries", There is no statute in Scotland against Sodomy; the libel of the crime is therefore founded on the divine law, and practice makes its punishment to be burned alive. CITATION: If you cite this Web page, please use the following citation: 269. I'm sure the president will be pleased." "The leak is bound to start a massive investigation", Assange said. To BUGGER, v. a. commetter o peccado nefando. The method by excision is as follows: let the person to be made a eunuch be placed upon a bench, and the scrotum with the testicles grasped by the fingers of the left hand, and stretched; two straight incisions are then to be made with a scalpel, one in each testicle; and when the testicles start up they are to be dissected around and cut out, So, for example, the wife of a margreve is a margrevynja, the wife of a greve is a grevynja. Not if someone took away actual female parts but belittled the femininity of someone, emotionally, spiritually, or on a level of identity. A Large Dictionary English and Dutch Groot Woordenboek der Engelsche en Nederduytsche by W. Sewel, Amsterdam, 1717: Slaves, or thralls as they were called, were present in most Norse communities, with many being taken in Viking raids across Europe. a prostitute boy lover.. Penalty "Ever since I had to look up the word 'catamite' when I read that famous first line of Earthly Powers in 1981," he says, "I have been a Burgess fan." SARA - Southeast Asian RSS Aggregator "Ever since I had to look up the word 'catamite' when I read that famous first line of Earthly Powers in 1981," he says, "I have been a Burgess fan." thesaurus. sub.Abuse. Latin / English Sa heter det i lagen; men huru det kallas e Skrifeen, Vid. Encyclopdia Britannica; Or, A Dictionary of Arts, Sciences, &c., Second Edition, Vol. 4. If gravity by day doth thee delight, Wake up to the day's most important news. BUGGERY, sodomy, or sin against nature, as one man having copulation with another; or a man or woman with brute beast. Pocula, Juno fuit pro Ganymede Jovi. In other words, they use their brides as lads. BUGGERY, s. o peccado nefando. Sodomy, i.e. [17] In Archaic and classical Greece, paiderasteia had been a formal social relationship between freeborn males; taken out of context and refashioned as the luxury product of a conquered people, pederasty came to express roles based on domination and exploitation. Y Geirlyfr Saesneg a Chymraeg; Neu'r Saesnego flaen y Cymraeg, Sio Rhydderch [John Rodderick], 1737: Catamite, a boy hired to be used contrary to nature, for Sodomy. Fign, is also sometimes a Word of Reproach, signifying a Bardash, or one who has got the Piles by suffering the Act of Sodomy; from Ficus, the Piles, so call'd in Latin. MADGE CULL, a buggerer. Bardjo. Bardjo, s. m. a Bardish, a Boy that suffers Sodomy. A Sodomite, one that commits Sodomical, Adj. In Book 1, chapter 11 and paragraph 3 he wrote, Buggerer. Modified entries 2019 by Penguin Random House LLC and HarperCollins Publishers Ltd Word origin MOLLY, S. en Sodomit. Norse culture placed a heavy emphasis on maintaining a happy household with a spouse. slept, Penelope though chaste Buggery, sub. Sa heter det i lagen; men huru det kallas e Skrifeen, Vid. Bardxo, vid. German / English Sodomical, Adj. In fact, its a statistic with some dark implications for Icelands past. Hindi / English sodomitical. . To commit Buggery, Pdico, art. Buggery, Subjt. A New Dictionary of All the Cant and Flash Languages, by Humphry Tristram Potter, London, n.d.: He will make the perfect catamite for the president. "Lady Lucy". Found inside Of course, then I had to look up pederasty and catamite. A Dictionary, English-Latin, and Latin-English, by Elisha Coles, 8th edition, London, 1716: A Buggerer, Pderastes. Buggery, Subst. A Buggerer, Pderastes. The English Expositor Improv'd, by J.B. [John Bullokar], revised by R. B rowne. Principal Translations: Ingls: Espaol: catamite n noun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc. Buggery, s. Sodomiteri eller tidelag. MADGE COVE, a keeper of a house for buggerers. Then read through our viking facts and learn about one of historys most misunderstood civilizations. SODOMY. Catamite. bougeronn. On the other hand, Greek physicians took a much more positive view. . The Phrygian boys in secret spent their seed in Samuel Purchas' Pilgrimes), in the sense of sexual relations between men and boys. A Dictionary, English and Hindoostanee: in which the words are marked with their distinguishing initials; as Hinduwee, Arabic, and Persian, by John Gilchrist, in Two Parts, Part II, Calcutta, 1790: Alessandra Bertocchi and Mirka Maraldi, Menaechmus quidam: Indefinites and Proper Nouns in Classical and Late Latin, in Latin vulgaireLatin tardif. . Glossographia Anglicana Nova: Or, A Dictionary, Interpreting Such Hard Words of whatever Language, as are at present used in the English Tongue, with their Etymologies, Definition, &c., Second Edition, London, 1719: Catamite. [18]:37,4041 et passim Slaves often were given, and prostitutes sometimes assumed Greek names regardless of their ethnic origin; the boys (pueri) to whom the poet Martial is attracted have Greek names. To Bugger, Pdicar. History of OED's treatment of catamite: the importance of labelling editorial changes to OED entries OED1 published its entry for catamite in 1889, . sub.Abuse. Sodomy, Male venery, or buggery: A [15], In Latin, mos Graeciae or mos Graecorum ("Greek custom" or "the way of the Greeks") refers to a variety of behaviors the ancient Romans regarded as Greek, including but not confined to sexual practice. The word first appeared in the English language during the Renaissance, as pderastie (e.g. A man who is engaged in an erotic relationship with an adolescent boy; a practitioner of pederasty. Alternatively you could go with Maiden, not so much as a title but as a female equivalent to Knight. The sport dyke isnt characterized so much as being attracted to other women as much as she is obsessed with her sport of choice. Welsh / English Buggery, s. Sodomiteri eller tidelag. Sodomite, Subst. MADGE, a sodomite. eros). Lingua Britannica Reformata: Or, A New English Dictionary, by Benjamin Martin, London, 1799: A Dictionary, English and Hindoostanee: in which the words are marked with their distinguishing initials; as Hinduwee, Arabic, and Persian, by John Gilchrist, in Two Parts, Part II, Calcutta, 1790: Sodomy, Sodomia, pderastia, peccatum sodomiticum. I am no Curius, Numa, Tatius. In Greek mythology, Ganymede was a divine hero whose homeland was Troy. Sweet heart begone: Or use our ways with us, SODOMITE (so called from the sin of Sodom) a buggerer, one that commits sodomy. A Dictionary, English and Hindoostanee: in which the words are marked with their distinguishing initials; as Hinduwee, Arabic, and Persian, by John Gilchrist, in Two Parts, Part II, Calcutta, 1790: While the warriors spent most of their time fighting or drinking, it was up to slaves to do a great deal of the work around the village. Sodomy, s. Edr. Buggered, Adj. To Bugger, Pdicar. Sodomite, a Person given to Sodomy or Buggery, the Sin of Sodom, the chief of the five Cities in Palestine, which was destroy'd by fire from Heaven; the Territory where it stood being swallowed up in the Brimstone Lake, commonly called the Dead Sea. gwrryw-gydiad, sodomiaeth: anifeiligrwydd Athenaeus cites several instances of sodomy with women. [4]. Paedicare negas: dabat hoc Cornelia Graccho, Buggery, Subst. The law of England makes it felony. Bardxe, s. m. a Sodomite. Ganymede, the Name of a Trojan Boy; now it commonly signifies any Boy loved for Carnal Abuse, or hired to be used contrary to Nature, to commit the Sin of Sodomy. 18.22, 23. Sodomite, Subst. Sodomite, N. S. pr. A Compendious Vocabulary English and Persian, by Francis Gladwin, Calcutta, 1783-86: A Dictionary of the Portuguese and English Languages, by Anthony Vieyra Transtagana, London, 1773, Vol. A New French Dictionary, by Thomas Deletanville, London, 1771: A Man with a Man, a Woman with a Woman. Vid. The place where it stood is now covered by the waters of the Dead Sea, or the Lake Asphaltites. SOURCE: Various dictionaries and encyclopedias, as cited above. Buggerer, s. gwrryw-gydiwr; eydiwr ag anifail He will arrive from Romania on Tuesday. (or Buggerer) Un Sodomite, un Bougre. A Compendious Dictionary of the French Language, chiefly Designed to teach the Pronunciation of it, by V. J. Peyton, London, 1764: De Sodomie. adjectives. Femme lesbians are sometimes mistaken for straight as they are very feminine and like to dress up and wear makeup and look like a straight girl, however, therefore sometimes they feel like they have to prove their gayness. sodomitical. . 1.5 ounces of distilled spirits, which is about 40% alcohol. [7] It has no formal existence in the Homeric epics, and seems to have developed in the late 7th century BC as an aspect of Greek homosocial culture,[8] which was characterized also by athletic and artistic nudity, delayed marriage for aristocrats, symposia, and the social seclusion of women. Sodomy (or Buggery) Sodemitæ., f. darling. Pdrastie, f. f. pederasty, sodomy. SODOMITICAL, belonging to Sodomy. pais. Fign, is also sometimes a Word of Reproach, signifying a Bardash, or one who has got the Piles by suffering the Act of Sodomy; from Ficus, the Piles, so call'd in Latin. [1], Pederasty in ancient Greece was a socially acknowledged romantic relationship between an adult male (the erastes) and a younger male (the eromenos), usually in his teens. Thesaurus for Catamite. so-do-miet; a sodomite; a buggerer. To fill wine: Juno was Jove's Ganymede . Flavius Josephus wrote the Antiquities of the Jews (A.D. 38-100). [2] The word derives from the proper noun Catamitus, the Latinized form of Ganymede, the name of the beautiful Trojan youth abducted by Zeus to be his companion and cupbearer, according to Greek mythology. II: Sodomitisch, adj. [13], Enid Bloch argues that many Greek boys in these relationships may have been traumatized by knowing that they were violating social customs, since the "most shameful thing that could happen to any Greek male was penetration by another male." SODOMITICAL, belonging to Sodomy. Martial writes: Dulcia Dardanio nondum miscente ministro Sodomy, s. Edr. 11. London, 1704. Sodomy, s. sodomia. Was wont to play her hand below her [his?] Buggery, pderastia. With its incredible landscape, friendly people, and cheap flights, Iceland has become a popular tourist destination among millennials. A Compendious Vocabulary English and Persian, by Francis Gladwin, Calcutta, 1783-86: SODOMITE, a. lootee; h. lounde-baz, liwatee; v. catamite. Sodomite, f. m. and f. a sodomite. 1980, Anthony Burgess, Earthly Powers, page 7: It was the afternoon of my eighty-first birthday, and I was in bed with my catamite when Ali announced that the archbishop . An English and Swedish Dictionary, by Jacob Serenius, 2nd edition, Sweden, 1762: Ganymede, the Name of a Trojan Boy; now it commonly signifies any Boy loved for Carnal Abuse, or hired to be used contrary to Nature, to commit the Sin of Sodomy. . Pdrastie, f. f. pederasty, sodomy. Anlladrwydd gyda bechgyn. 17. In its ancient usage a catamite was a pubescent boy who was the intimate companion of a young man in ancient Greece and Rome, usually in a pederastic friendship. Sodomy, i.e. Noun A man who is engaged in an erotic relationship with an adolescent boy; a practitioner of pederasty. SODOMY, a. luwatut, ighlam; h. lounde-bazee. A Sodomite, s. sodomita. To bugger, pdicor. The term pederasty is primarily used to refer to historical practices of certain cultures, particularly ancient Greece and ancient Rome.. Ganymede, Greek Ganymds, Latin Ganymedes, or Catamitus, in Greek legend, the son of Tros (or Laomedon), king of Troy. Thou to drink water can'st rise and dispense. Buggerer. stumme Sunden, abominable Sins, as Sodomy, Buggery, Pederasty. a boy who submits to a sexual relationship with a man. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. BUGRE, s. m. a buggerer, a sodomite. BUGGERER, s. hum sodomita. Rictor Norton (Ed. Most related words/phrases with sentence examples define Catamite meaning and usage. Homer describes Ganymede as the most beautiful of mortals. Sodomite in which City of Sodom, this wickedness was first committed, that we read of. Pederasty in ancient Greece was a socially acknowledged romantic relationship between an adult male (the erastes) and a younger male (the eromenos ), usually in his teens. But it quickly grows more disturbing the more you think about it. NB. Juno was to him as Ganymede (i.e. (or Buggerer) Un Sodomite, un Bougre. [2] Catamite. Buggery Modem erotic literature generally is full of this subject, and there is no doubt but that the vice is far more extensively practised in England than is currently imagined. X, Edinburgh, 1783: Cataphysick, aganst nature. Vid. In the sixth line of Epigram 2 (page 34) a pun seems to be intended on the word pocula, which is used in the double meaning of a drinking cup and the anus. Lists. Postwar American first lines . . 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